Sometimes, we conveniently forget what it pains us to remember. We persuade ourselves to accept what we would really rather reject. Sometimes, people save us the effort of becoming self-deluded by putting on the pressure for us. They push, pull, wheedle, whine, lecture or plead to the point where we end up believing whatever they want us to. If we are really determined enough, we can withstand all of this. But what if the lie is something we desperately wish were true? Just watch out for that possibility this week. If you want to know more, then listen to your week ahead spoken forecast by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You'll have to fill in a couple of forms but you can cancel easily at any time and you won't be charged anything. And you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. It's worth the effort! Have a listen to a sample.


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